Just Limericks

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A hearty welcome to Just Limericks,
Where wordplay rules and laughter sticks.
We're here to inspire,
Your inner poet's fire,
So join us now and let your creativity mix!

Welcome to Just Limericks, your go-to destination for all things limerick!

Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or just starting to explore the world of poetry, our website has something for everyone.

At Just Limericks, we’re passionate about the joy and humor that limericks bring to our lives.

Our website is a place where you can discover, learn, and create limericks to your heart’s content.

We have a wide range of resources available, including limerick examples, tips for writing limericks, and fun worksheets to get your creative juices flowing.

So whether you’re looking for a good laugh or a creative challenge, come join us at Just Limericks and let’s celebrate the power of limericks together!


Thank You for Your Donation!
There once was a donor so kind,
Whose gift was so easy to find,
We thank you with glee,
For your generosity,
And hope you’ll keep us in mind.

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