50th Birthday Wishes Limericks

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Limericks for 50th Birthday Wishes

limericks for 50th birthday

Turning 50 is a significant milestone in life, marking a golden period of wisdom, experience, and joy. It’s a time to reflect on the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. And what better way to honor this special occasion than with funny 50th birthday limericks that will bring laughter and cheer to the celebration?

Join us on a delightful journey filled with humor and heartfelt wishes as we present a collection of funny 50th birthday limericks. These witty and amusing verses capture the essence of this remarkable milestone, adding a touch of light-heartedness and joy to the festivities. Whether you’re searching for a clever greeting card message or a memorable toast, these limericks are sure to create moments of laughter and warm affection.

As the birthday celebrant enters the vibrant chapter of their 50s, it’s the perfect time to celebrate their achievements, cherish their friendships, and shower them with well-wishes. These funny 50th birthday limericks offer a delightful way to express your sentiments, combining humor and heartfelt messages to brighten their special day.

Whether you’re planning a surprise party, organizing a family gathering, or simply looking for a creative way to show your appreciation, these limericks will add an extra dose of laughter and warmth to the celebrations. Join us as we embark on a journey through amusing wordplay and heartfelt wishes, celebrating this milestone with laughter, joy, and genuine affection.

So let’s raise a toast to the incredible journey of life and discover the perfect blend of humor, wit, and heartfelt wishes in these funny 50th birthday limericks. Whether you want to put a smile on someone’s face or make them burst into laughter, these verses will undoubtedly add a special touch to their 50th birthday celebration.

Golden Milestone

Celebrate with joy and cheer,
A golden milestone, the 50th year.
With memories to treasure,
And dreams yet to measure,
May this special day be filled with cheer.

“Golden Milestone” commemorates the joyous occasion of a 50th birthday. It signifies a significant milestone in life, representing a wealth of experiences and memories to cherish. As you celebrate this golden year, may it be filled with happiness, love, and a sense of fulfillment. Embrace the journey ahead with joy and anticipation for the wonderful years to come.

Fabulous Fifty

Turning fifty, a fabulous feat,
A moment in time that’s truly sweet.
With wisdom and grace,
Embrace this new phase,
May this milestone bring joy and endless treats.

“Fabulous Fifty” captures the essence of reaching this significant milestone with grace and excitement. Turning fifty marks a stage of life where wisdom and experience intertwine, creating a unique blend of confidence and contentment. Embrace the fabulousness of this chapter and celebrate the achievements and joy that come with it.

Half a Century

Fifty years of life, a journey profound,
Half a century, memories abound.
With laughter and cheer,
Celebrate this year,
A milestone to treasure and expound.

“Half a Century” reflects upon the remarkable journey of fifty years and the countless memories created along the way. It signifies a half-century of experiences, growth, and accomplishments. As you celebrate this milestone, cherish the memories of the past and look forward to the exciting adventures that lie ahead.

Golden Age

Welcome to the golden age so bright,
Fifty years shining with golden light.
With love and admiration,
Celebrate this transformation,
May your 50th year be pure delight.

“Golden Age” symbolizes the brilliance and radiance of entering the fifties. It is an age where wisdom and maturity blend with a youthful spirit. Embrace the golden light that surrounds you and celebrate this special year with love, joy, and a sense of fulfillment. May your 50th year be filled with golden moments to cherish.

Life at 50

Life at fifty begins anew,
A milestone reached, dreams come true.
With gratitude and glee,
Embrace the jubilee,
May this year be filled with blessings for you.

“Life at 50” signifies the start of a new chapter, where dreams and aspirations take center stage. It is a time to reflect on past accomplishments and look ahead to future endeavors with a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace the blessings that come your way and savor the joy of life at 50.

Fabulous at Fifty

At fifty, life begins with a roar,
You’ve never been wiser, that’s for sure.
With each passing year,
You’re a source of cheer,
Embrace the laughter, there’s so much more!

Embrace the humor and celebrate the milestone of turning fifty with a roar! At this age, you’ve gained wisdom and experience that make you even more fabulous. Each passing year only adds to the joy and laughter in your life. Embrace the journey with a lighthearted spirit and enjoy the countless adventures that await you.

Over the Hill

Over the hill at fifty, they say,
But you’re just getting started, okay?
With a youthful stride,
And a heart open wide,
Keep rocking life, come what may!

Don’t let the notion of being “over the hill” at fifty bring you down. In fact, you’re just getting started! Embrace your youthful spirit and stride through life with confidence. Your heart is open wide, ready to embrace all the joys and challenges that come your way. Keep rocking life and let your enthusiasm shine.

50 and Fabulous

You’ve hit the big five-zero, my friend,
But your fabulousness has no end.
With style and grace,
A glowing smile on your face,
Age is just a number you transcend.

Turning fifty only enhances your fabulousness. Embrace this milestone with style and grace, as your radiant smile illuminates the room. Age is simply a number that holds no power over your limitless spirit. Embrace your true essence and let your inner beauty shine for all to see.

Fifty and Nifty

At fifty, you’re still nifty and cool,
With a zest for life, you truly rule.
Witty and wise,
You’re a joy in disguise,
Forever young, breaking every rule!

Reaching fifty doesn’t mean you’ve lost your touch. On the contrary, you’re still nifty and cool, radiating a zest for life that captivates everyone around you. Your witty and wise nature brings joy and laughter to every gathering. Embrace your youthful spirit and continue breaking every rule with a mischievous smile.

Aging Like Fine Wine

Like fine wine, you age with grace,
Each passing year adds to your embrace.
At fifty, you shine,
With a sparkle so divine,
Toast to the journey, your smile in its place.

Just like fine wine, you age with grace and elegance. Each passing year adds depth and richness to your personality. As you turn fifty, you shine brightly, radiating a sparkle that is uniquely divine. Raise a toast to the beautiful journey of life, and let your smile be the centerpiece of every celebration.

Fifty and Thriving

At fifty, you’re still young and thriving,
With endless energy, always reviving.
You’re a force to behold,
With stories yet untold,
Keep embracing life, no sign of retiring!

Age is just a number, and at fifty, you’re still full of vitality and enthusiasm. Your energy knows no bounds, constantly reviving and embracing new adventures. You’re a force to be reckoned with, with countless stories and experiences yet to be shared. Keep living life to the fullest, for there’s no sign of you slowing down or retiring!

The Big 5-0

Welcome to the big five-oh,
A milestone that brings a glow.
With laughter and cheer,
No reason to fear,
You’re in your prime, go with the flow!

Turning fifty is a milestone worth celebrating. It brings a special glow that radiates from within. With laughter and cheer, there’s no reason to fear this new chapter in life. You’re in your prime, ready to go with the flow and embrace all the exciting experiences that await you.

Half a Century Young

You’ve reached half a century, it’s true,
But in your heart, you’re forever anew.
With humor and zest,
You’re among the best,
Living life to the fullest, just like you do!

Reaching half a century may be a milestone, but in your heart, you remain forever young. Your sense of humor and zest for life keep you among the best. Embrace each day with enthusiasm and live life to the fullest, for that’s the way you always approach every opportunity.

Still Got It at Fifty

Some say you’re over the hill,
But at fifty, you’ve got that thrill.
You’re still young at heart,
Playing your unique part,
Proving that age can’t kill your skill!

Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re over the hill at fifty. In fact, you’ve still got that thrill and zest for life. You’re young at heart and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Keep playing your unique part in the grand stage of life, showing everyone that age can’t diminish your skills and passions.

Life Begins at Fifty

They say life begins at fifty, my friend,
A new chapter that knows no end.
With wisdom in your stride,
And laughter as your guide,
Embrace this journey, let the good times send!

Welcome to the chapter where life truly begins, as they say. At fifty, you embark on a new adventure that knows no bounds. Your stride is filled with wisdom gained from your experiences, and laughter serves as your faithful guide. Embrace this journey with open arms and let the good times keep flowing. There’s so much to celebrate and enjoy!

The Fantastic Five-O

At fifty, you’re simply divine,
With a spirit that continues to shine.
With zest and flair,
You conquer with care,
A celebration of a milestone so fine.

Celebrate the fantastic five-O, a joyous occasion marking the 50th birthday with these delightful limericks. Each limerick captures the essence of this milestone and showcases the vibrancy, zest, and accomplishments of the birthday honoree. With wit and charm, these limericks bring laughter and cheer to the celebration, making it a memorable and delightful experience.

Golden Jubilee

Fifty years of life, oh so grand,
A journey adorned with memories and sand.
With love and delight,
Your spirit takes flight,
A celebration of a life beautifully planned.

Embark on a poetic journey through the golden jubilee, honoring fifty years of cherished memories and experiences. These limericks reflect the richness of a life well-lived, highlighting the joy and fulfillment that the birthday celebrant has experienced throughout the years. Let these limericks serve as a heartfelt tribute to their accomplishments and a reminder of the beautiful moments they’ve shared with loved ones.

Half a Century Young

Half a century young, you see,
At fifty, you’re as lively as can be.
With a heart that’s bold,
You break every mold,
A celebration of a spirit forever free.

Embrace the youthful spirit of reaching the half-century mark with these lighthearted and playful limericks. Age is just a number, and at fifty, the birthday honoree is vibrant, bold, and ready to embrace new adventures. These limericks capture the essence of their ageless spirit and serve as a celebration of their unyielding passion for life.

The Big 5-0

The big 5-0, a milestone to cherish,
At fifty, your zest for life won’t perish.
With laughter and fun,
Your journey’s just begun,
A celebration of dreams that never relinquish.

Celebrate the big 5-0 with these lively and spirited limericks that encapsulate the excitement and joy of this milestone. Fifty is a time to reflect on past achievements, embrace new dreams, and continue living life to the fullest. These limericks are a tribute to the unrelenting spirit and the determination to chase dreams, even at this significant juncture.

Cheers to Fifty

Cheers to fifty, a milestone so rare,
A life well-lived, beyond compare.
With joy and grace,
You embrace life’s pace,
A celebration of moments beyond compare.

Raise a glass and toast to fifty remarkable years with these heartfelt limericks. This milestone marks a life well-lived, filled with cherished moments and incredible experiences. The limericks capture the essence of joy, grace, and gratitude that define this celebration, serving as a reminder of the countless blessings and beautiful memories accumulated over the years.

Embracing the Five-Decade Mark

Fifty years have gracefully passed,
A journey of love, it will forever last.
With wisdom and grace,
You light up every space,
A celebration of a life unsurpassed.

Step into the five-decade mark with these eloquent limericks that pay homage to the wisdom and grace acquired over the years. Fifty is a milestone that showcases a life filled with love, growth, and remarkable achievements. These limericks serve as a celebration of the birthday honoree’s indomitable spirit and their ability to illuminate every space they enter.

The Gleefully Goofy Five-O

Oh, the gleefully goofy five-O is here,
At fifty, it’s time for laughter and cheer.
With silly pranks and jokes,
We’ll create hilarious folks,
A celebration that’s unforgettable, my dear.

Step into the world of gleeful goofiness with these hilarious limericks for a 50th birthday celebration. At fifty, it’s all about embracing the joy of laughter and creating unforgettable moments. Let the playful spirit of these limericks set the stage for a birthday bash filled with silly pranks, jokes, and laughter that will bring endless smiles to everyone’s faces.

The Witty Half-Century Celebration

Welcome to the witty half-century celebration,
At fifty, it’s all about humor and elation.
With clever jokes and banter,
We’ll create laughter that’ll banish any winter,
A celebration that brings endless joy, no cessation.

Celebrate the witty side of a half-century with these limericks filled with clever wordplay and humorous banter. Turning fifty calls for embracing the power of laughter and creating an atmosphere of joy and merriment. Let these limericks be the centerpiece of a celebration that brings endless laughter and fills the air with mirth and delight.

The Hysterically Funny Five Decades

Oh, the hysterically funny five decades we toast,
At fifty, laughter is what matters the most.
With jokes that tickle and tease,
We’ll set the room at ease,
A celebration that’ll leave everyone engrossed.

Embrace the hilarity of five decades with these side-splitting limericks for a 50th birthday extravaganza. Laughter is the secret ingredient to a joyous celebration, and these limericks are sure to tickle everyone’s funny bone. Let the infectious laughter fill the room and create an atmosphere of pure delight and amusement.

The Playful Half a Century

Half a century has come with a twist,
At fifty, you’re the master of jest.
With a funny bone so strong,
You keep us laughing all day long,
A celebration of laughter, silliness, and zest.

Celebrate the playful side of turning fifty with these whimsical and silly limericks. Age is no barrier to laughter and fun, and at fifty, the birthday celebrant continues to radiate a sense of humor that brings joy to everyone around them. These limericks serve as a lighthearted tribute to their ability to make us laugh and keep the spirit of playfulness alive.

The Jolly 5-0

The jolly 5-0 is here to say,
At fifty, it’s all about being playful and gay.
With funny hats and goofy grins,
We’ll celebrate with laughter that never thins,
A celebration that’ll brighten your special day.

Get ready for a jolly 5-0 celebration with these merry limericks. Fifty is a time to let loose, wear funny hats, and embrace the joy of being silly. These limericks embody the spirit of lightheartedness and cheer, creating a festive atmosphere that will make the birthday honoree and guests laugh and smile from ear to ear.

The Playfully Absurd Five Decades

Oh, the playfully absurd five decades we embrace,
At fifty, it’s time for a celebration filled with grace.
With jokes that are delightfully surreal,
We’ll make the party an uproarious ordeal,
A celebration that’ll put a smile on every face.

Enter the world of playfully absurd celebrations for five decades of life. At fifty, it’s a time to embrace the beauty of humor and create an atmosphere where laughter flows freely. These limericks embody the spirit of whimsy and eccentricity, ensuring a celebration that will leave everyone with smiles on their faces and memories to cherish for a lifetime.

The Whimsical Fifty Festivity

Oh, the whimsical fifty festivity we unfold,
At fifty, it’s time to be silly and bold.
With jokes that are absurd,
We’ll create a laughter-filled herd,
A celebration that’ll never grow old.

Embrace the whimsical side of turning fifty with these delightful limericks that are sure to tickle your funny bone. Fifty is the perfect time to let go of inhibitions, embrace your inner child, and indulge in some playful silliness. Let the joy and laughter fill the air as you celebrate this milestone with unforgettable moments and lighthearted humor.

The Chucklesome 5-0 Spectacle

Step into the chucklesome 5-0 spectacle,
At fifty, laughter becomes a cherished article.
With funny gags and witty repartee,
We’ll celebrate in the jolliest way,
A celebration that’ll bring smiles to every receptacle.

Welcome to a whimsical celebration filled with chuckles and merriment. Turning fifty is the perfect opportunity to surround yourself with laughter, funny gags, and witty banter. These limericks capture the spirit of joy and mirth, setting the stage for a celebration that will bring smiles and laughter to every corner of the room.

The Hilarious Half-Century Jubilee

Oh, the hilarious half-century jubilee we proclaim,
At fifty, it’s time to embrace the funny game.
With jokes that are uproarious,
We’ll make the atmosphere boisterous,
A celebration that’ll forever be our claim to fame.

Celebrate the hilarity of reaching the half-century mark with these rib-tickling limericks. Fifty is a milestone that calls for uproarious laughter and a celebration filled with merriment. Let the humorous verses of these limericks set the stage for a joyful gathering, where laughter echoes through the halls and memories are created with every smile.

The Ridiculously Fun Fifty Fiesta

Join the ridiculously fun fifty fiesta,
At fifty, it’s time to let loose and siesta.
With jokes that are comically grand,
We’ll create a laughter-filled band,
A celebration that’ll be remembered, esta!

Welcome to a ridiculously fun celebration for the big 5-0! At fifty, it’s all about letting loose, having a blast, and embracing the carefree spirit of life. These limericks will set the tone for a fiesta filled with laughter, hilarious jokes, and an atmosphere that radiates joy and lightheartedness.

The Fabulous 5-0 Diva

There once was a fabulous 5-0 diva,
Whose laughter could light up a theater.
With style and grace,
She embraced life’s race,
A celebration of a woman who’s even sweeter.

Celebrate the fabulousness of a woman turning fifty with these delightful limericks. With her unique style, grace, and infectious laughter, she brings joy and radiance to every moment. Let’s raise a toast to a remarkable woman who embodies strength, beauty, and an indomitable spirit, as we celebrate her 50th birthday in style.

The Witty Half-Century Maven

In the realm of wit, she’s a maven,
At fifty, her humor remains unshaken.
With a sharp, clever mind,
She leaves no joke behind,
A celebration of a woman who’s truly awakened.

Celebrate the wit and humor of a woman entering her fifties with these limericks that pay tribute to her sharp and clever mind. Her ability to effortlessly find humor in any situation is a gift that brings laughter and joy to those around her. Let’s celebrate this remarkable woman who continues to embrace life with wit, charm, and an infectious sense of humor.

The Glamorous 5-0 Queen

Oh, the glamorous 5-0 queen,
At fifty, she’s a sight to be seen.
With beauty and poise,
She conquers with her voice,
A celebration of a woman who reigns supreme.

Raise a glass to the glamorous 5-0 queen, whose beauty and poise shine brightly as she enters her fifties. Her regal presence and commanding voice capture the hearts of all who know her. Let’s celebrate this remarkable woman who has redefined what it means to embrace age with grace and elegance.

The Playful Half-Century Butterfly

In her playful wings, she’s a butterfly,
At fifty, she soars and reaches the sky.
With grace and finesse,
She embraces life’s caress,
A celebration of a woman who continues to fly.

Celebrate the playful spirit of a woman turning fifty with these whimsical limericks. Like a butterfly, she spreads her wings and embraces the beauty of life. With grace, finesse, and an adventurous soul, she soars to new heights and inspires those around her. Let’s celebrate this remarkable woman who brings color, joy, and enchantment to our lives.

The Radiant 50th Star

There once was a radiant 50th star,
Whose light shines from near and far.
With a heart full of love,
She’s a blessing from above,
A celebration of a woman who’s always on par.

Celebrate the radiance and brilliance of a woman’s 50th birthday with these heartfelt limericks. Her light shines brightly, touching the lives of those around her with love, compassion, and warmth. Let’s celebrate this remarkable woman who continues to inspire and bring joy wherever she goes.

The Timeless 50th Icon

There once was a timeless 50th icon,
Whose influence reaches far and wide, beyond.
With strength and poise,
He captures all with his voice,
A celebration of a man who’s truly fond.

Celebrate the timeless influence of a man’s 50th birthday with these resonant limericks. His strength, poise, and powerful presence have a far-reaching impact that extends beyond his immediate surroundings. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who is cherished and adored by all, leaving an indelible mark wherever he goes.

The Dashing 5-0 Gentleman

There once was a dashing 5-0 gentleman,
Whose charm and wit were second to none.
With style and grace,
He lights up every space,
A celebration of a man who’s forever young.

Celebrate the dashing charm and wit of a man turning fifty with these lively limericks. With his timeless style and graceful demeanor, he captures the attention and admiration of those around him. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who remains forever young at heart as he embarks on this new chapter of his life.

The Wise Half-Century Sage

In the realm of wisdom, he’s a sage,
At fifty, he’s reached a new stage.
With knowledge profound,
He astounds all around,
A celebration of a man who’s truly engaged.

Celebrate the wisdom and knowledge of a man entering his fifties with these insightful limericks. His depth of understanding and profound insights inspire and leave a lasting impact on those he encounters. Let’s celebrate this remarkable man who continues to engage with the world and share his wisdom with others.

The Adventurous 5-0 Trailblazer

There once was an adventurous 5-0 trailblazer,
Whose spirit knew no bounds or measure.
With courage and might,
He embraces every height,
A celebration of a man who’s a true treasure.

Celebrate the adventurous spirit of a man turning fifty with these spirited limericks. He fearlessly blazes his own trail, embracing new experiences and conquering new heights. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who continues to inspire with his courage, resilience, and adventurous nature.

The Charismatic Half-Century Hero

In the realm of charisma, he’s a hero,
At fifty, his presence shines like a star’s glow.
With confidence and grace,
He lights up every space,
A celebration of a man who’s ready to show.

Celebrate the charisma and magnetic presence of a man entering his fifties with these captivating limericks. His charm, confidence, and grace draw people towards him, leaving a lasting impression wherever he goes. Let’s celebrate this remarkable man who is ready to make a significant impact and show the world his extraordinary abilities.

The Mighty 5-0 Gladiator

Behold the mighty 5-0 gladiator,
At fifty, he’s a force to make hearts flutter.
With strength and agility,
He conquers with versatility,
A celebration of a man whose spirit knows no abater.

Witness the power and resilience of a man turning fifty with these invigorating limericks. Like a gladiator, he stands strong and fierce, ready to face any challenge that comes his way. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who continues to inspire us with his unwavering strength and versatile abilities.

The Adventurous Half-Century Explorer

Embark on an adventure with the half-century explorer,
At fifty, he seeks new horizons with ardor.
With a spirit untamed,
His wanderlust cannot be tamed,
A celebration of a man who’s a fearless wanderer.

Join the exciting journey of a man entering his fifties with these captivating limericks. His adventurous spirit knows no bounds as he sets out to explore uncharted territories and discover new wonders of the world. Let’s celebrate this remarkable man who embraces the thrill of exploration and lets his curiosity guide him to extraordinary experiences.

The Majestic 5-0 Trailblazer

Introducing the majestic 5-0 trailblazer,
At fifty, he’s a visionary and a risk-taker.
With wisdom and grace,
He leaves an indelible trace,
A celebration of a man who’s a true world-shaker.

Celebrate the greatness and influence of a man turning fifty with these awe-inspiring limericks. He blazes his own trail, guided by wisdom and grace, and leaves an indelible mark wherever he goes. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who continues to inspire and shape the world with his visionary leadership.

The Charming Half-Century Charmer

Behold the charming half-century charmer,
At fifty, he’s irresistible and warmer.
With charisma that enthralls,
He wins hearts with his gall,
A celebration of a man who’s a captivating performer.

Witness the magnetic charm of a man entering his fifties with these enchanting limericks. His charismatic presence and winning personality make him the center of attention in any gathering. Let’s raise a toast to this remarkable man who continues to captivate hearts and bring joy and excitement wherever he goes.

The Captivating 5-0 Legend

Unveiling the captivating 5-0 legend,
At fifty, his accomplishments shine resplendent.
With a trail of success,
He inspires with finesse,
A celebration of a man whose legacy is transcendent.

Celebrate the captivating influence of a man’s 50th birthday with these mesmerizing limericks. He has become a legend in his own right, leaving a trail of remarkable achievements and inspiring others with his finesse. Let’s raise a toast to this extraordinary man who continues to leave an indelible mark on the world and create a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Milestone of Fifty

Fifty years have now come and gone,
A milestone celebrated at dawn.
With joy and delight,
We toast to your light,
May this birthday bring a new dawn.

Celebrate the remarkable milestone of reaching fifty years. This limerick captures the essence of joy and delight, as we raise a toast to the brightness and positivity that you bring to our lives. May this special birthday mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with happiness and wonderful experiences.

Cheers to Fifty

Cheers to fifty, a remarkable age,
A time to turn a new life page.
With wisdom and grace,
You embrace the pace,
May joy and blessings never fade.

Let’s raise a cheer to the incredible journey of fifty years. This limerick encapsulates the wisdom and grace that come with age, as you embrace the new chapter of life with open arms. May joy and blessings continue to surround you, bringing happiness and fulfillment in abundance.

Golden Fifty

Golden fifty, a milestone so grand,
A treasure trove of memories in hand.
With love and cheer,
We gather near,
To honor you with a joyous band.

Celebrate the golden milestone of fifty years with love and cheer. This limerick symbolizes the treasure trove of memories you have accumulated over the years. As we gather to honor and celebrate your special day, let the joyous band of family and friends create a festive atmosphere filled with love and laughter.

The Big Five-O

The big five-O, a celebration grand,
Reaching fifty, a life so unplanned.
With love and cheer,
We gather near,
To honor you with a joyous band.

Embrace the big five-O with a grand celebration. This limerick signifies the excitement and surprise that come with reaching fifty. Let us gather near, filled with love and cheer, to honor and celebrate the incredible journey of your life. May this joyous occasion be a testament to the love and support that surrounds you.

Half a Century

Half a century, oh what a feat,
A life well-lived, a journey complete.
With laughter and delight,
We celebrate this night,
May your happiness always repeat.

Celebrate the remarkable achievement of half a century. This limerick represents the fulfillment and satisfaction that come with a life well-lived. As we come together with laughter and delight to celebrate this special night, may your happiness continue to multiply and bring you endless joy.


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There once was a donor so kind,
Whose gift was so easy to find,
We thank you with glee,
For your generosity,
And hope you’ll keep us in mind.

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