The Playful River

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The Playful River

A river flows through fields and dale,
Its playful spirit never stale,
With a rush and a swirl,
And a playful twirl,
Its endless journey will never fail.
The Playful River

The Playful River limerick captures the lively and playful spirit of a river.

The image of a river flowing through fields and dale creates a sense of freedom and endless possibility.

The river’s playful nature, with its rush and swirl and twirl, brings to mind the joy and excitement of childhood play.

The limerick encourages us to embrace our playful side and to find joy in the simple things in life.


Thank You for Your Donation!
There once was a donor so kind,
Whose gift was so easy to find,
We thank you with glee,
For your generosity,
And hope you’ll keep us in mind.

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