A Love Struck Romeo

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A Love-Struck Romeo

A love-struck Romeo, quite bold
Declared love to his Juliet, cold
But her heart did thaw
When he pledged his love raw
And they lived happily, we're told
A Love-Struck Romeo

This limerick tells the story of a man, Romeo, who is deeply in love with a woman, Juliet.

Despite her initial lack of interest, Romeo’s persistent declarations of love eventually cause Juliet’s heart to thaw and they live happily together.

The poem uses imagery of coldness and warmth to convey the change in Juliet’s feelings towards Romeo.

The poem has a light-hearted and romantic tone.

The first and second lines set the scene with Romeo being love-struck and Juliet being cold, the third and fourth lines show the change in Juliet’s feelings as she thaws and the last line gives the conclusion of the story as they lived happily.


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